Korean Drama Alice: Best K-drama Series Review 2024
Korean Drama

Korean Drama Alice: Best K-drama Series Review 2024

Korean Drama Alice: Best K-drama Series Review 2024

Korean Drama Alice: Best K-drama Series Review 2024


As a devoted fan of Korean dramas, I am always on the lookout for captivating and thought-provoking series to immerse myself in. The K-drama “Alice” immediately caught my attention with its intriguing premise and stellar cast. Join me as I delve into the intricate world of “Alice” and unfold the magic woven throughout this exceptional series.


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“Alice” seamlessly blends science fiction, romance, and mystery to deliver a compelling narrative that transcends time and space. The story revolves around Park Jin Gyeom, a determined detective driven by a tragic event in his past. His life takes an unexpected turn when he encounters Yoon Tae Yi, a brilliant physicist who is mysteriously connected to a parallel universe. Together, they embark on a heart-pounding journey to unravel the enigma of time travel and alter the course of destiny.

Character Analysis

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The strength of “Alice” lies in its well-crafted characters, each with their own complexities and emotions. Park Jin Gyeom, portrayed by the talented actor Joo Won, exudes raw intensity and unwavering determination, making him a compelling protagonist with a heartbreaking past. On the other hand, Yoon Tae Yi, played by the exceptional actress Kim Hee Sun, brings an air of intelligence and vulnerability to her character, challenging societal norms and defying expectations.

Themes and Symbolism

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Beyond its enthralling storyline, “Alice” delves into profound themes that resonate with viewers on a deeper level. The concept of time travel serves as a catalyst for exploring fate, love, and the consequences of altering the past. The series masterfully weaves together intricate layers of symbolism, inviting viewers to ponder the interconnectedness of life and the choices we make.

Visual Aesthetics and Cinematography

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The visual aspect of “Alice” elevates the overall viewing experience, immersing the audience in a rich tapestry of stunning cinematography and visual effects. From the juxtaposition of parallel worlds to the seamless integration of futuristic elements, every frame is meticulously crafted to evoke a sense of wonder and intrigue. The attention to detail in capturing the essence of each era adds a touch of authenticity that heightens the drama’s immersive quality.

Impact and Reception

“Alice” has garnered widespread acclaim from audiences and critics alike, captivating viewers with its gripping narrative and standout performances. Its ability to seamlessly blend genres while maintaining a poignant emotional core has solidified its status as a must-watch K-drama. The devoted fan base and fervent discussions surrounding the series attest to its enduring appeal and lasting impact on the K-drama landscape.

ALICE Teaser | Joo Won, Kim Hee Sun | Full series on Viu now

Watch this video on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fgJ05bf16wI


In the realm of K-dramas, “Alice” stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and the boundless creativity of Korean television. With its gripping plot, multidimensional characters, and thought-provoking themes, “Alice” leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of viewers, urging them to contemplate the intricate threads of time and the enduring power of love. Whether you are a seasoned K-drama enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, “Alice” is a mesmerizing journey that transcends reality, leaving an everlasting imprint on the soul.

As I conclude my exploration of the wonder that is “Alice,” I wholeheartedly encourage you to embark on this extraordinary adventure and discover the magic for yourself.

Reviews by People

Review 1:
A Captivating Fusion of Genres

“Alice” seamlessly blends science fiction, romance, and mystery to deliver a compelling narrative that transcends time and space. The series masterfully weaves intricate layers of symbolism, inviting viewers to ponder the interconnectedness of life and the choices we make.

Review 2:
Compelling Characters and Poignant Emotions

The strength of “Alice” lies in its well-crafted characters, each with their own complexities and emotions. Joo Won’s portrayal of Park Jin Gyeom exudes raw intensity, while Kim Hee Sun brings an air of intelligence and vulnerability to her character, Yoon Tae Yi.

Review 3:
A Visual Masterpiece

The visual aspect of “Alice” elevates the overall viewing experience, immersing the audience in a rich tapestry of stunning cinematography and visual effects. The attention to detail in capturing the essence of each era adds a touch of authenticity that heightens the drama’s immersive quality.

Review 4:
Thought-Provoking Themes and Symbolism

Beyond its enthralling storyline, “Alice” delves into profound themes, inviting viewers to ponder fate, love, and the consequences of altering the past. The concept of time travel serves as a catalyst for exploring the interconnectedness of life and the choices we make.

Review 5:
Widespread Acclaim and Enduring Appeal

“Alice” has garnered widespread acclaim from audiences and critics alike, captivating viewers with its gripping narrative and standout performances. Its ability to seamlessly blend genres while maintaining a poignant emotional core has solidified its status as a must-watch K-drama.

Review 6:
Redefining the K-Drama Landscape

In the realm of K-dramas, “Alice” stands as a testament to the power of storytelling and the boundless creativity of Korean television. With its gripping plot, multidimensional characters, and thought-provoking themes, “Alice” leaves an indelible mark on the hearts of viewers.

Review 7:
An Immersive Journey Through Time

Whisking viewers through parallel worlds, “Alice” presents a mesmerizing journey that transcends reality, leaving an everlasting imprint on the soul. Whether you are a seasoned K-drama enthusiast or a newcomer to the genre, “Alice” is an extraordinary adventure worth embarking on.

Review 8:
An Unforgettable Exploration of Love and Fate

Embark on the extraordinary adventure of “Alice” and discover the magic for yourself. The series serves as a poignant reminder of the enduring power of love, urging viewers to contemplate the intricate threads of time and destiny.

More Reviews

Worst Time Travel Story Ever

This is my first review born out of pure disappointment.

W began with an intriguing premise, but it quickly deteriorated. I expected it to explore the Multiverse theory of time travel, but it turned out to be a convoluted time loop scenario. Unlike Parallel Universes, which create alternate timelines, a Time Loop affects the present by changing the past—a concept it mishandles badly.

The show started with a foundation in science but eventually abandoned it in favor of fantastical elements from a prophetic book. The writers set up specific rules only to break them later, calling it a plot twist. If they couldn’t maintain consistency with Quantum Theory, they shouldn’t have incorporated it. Without the sci-fi gadgets, the story would have been pure fantasy.

The only redeeming aspect is the acting, which was strong, though it feels wasted on this flawed narrative. The main lead’s portrayal of aging was one highlight, but the character’s supposed Alexithymia was often overshadowed by his frequent emotional outbursts.

The plot’s obsession with a trivial piece of prophecy and the chaotic resolution, including a bloodbath and a contrived reset, left much to be desired. The ending, with its incestuous undertones, was both unsettling and unsatisfying.

The music was mediocre and became irritating during romantic scenes.

Overall, W is not worth rewatching or recommending. I wish I could travel back in time to avoid this mess entirely.

Maybe the Most Underrated Gem of the Year

I’m writing this review after binge-watching this show over two days, despite initially avoiding it for two reasons: I didn’t want to wait for episodes to air, and the show was receiving negative comments as it progressed. With a current rating of 7.6, which may drop further due to recent negative feedback on MDL, I felt compelled to share my thoughts.

I found this drama to be incredibly entertaining, fast-paced, emotional, and topical. It explores the costs of time travel in a way that’s distinct from many fantasy dramas that promote this concept. Each episode begins with a thought-provoking quote about the importance of time in our lives.

As a fan of Joo Won, especially in intense roles, his portrayal of Lieutenant Park was a standout performance. Throughout the show, I grew deeply invested in his character, making him one of the most memorable K-Drama male leads for me.

Kim Hee-sun also delivered a remarkable performance, particularly as the mother. The depiction of the mother-son bond was beautifully portrayed, showcasing her sacrifices and the unfairness of her repeated fate. Her dual role as Tae Yi, while controversial for some due to her identical appearance with the mother, was handled with grace. Despite the concerns about this casting choice, it worked for me, and the relationship was portrayed sensitively.

Kwak Si-yang, as Min Hyeok, played another tragic character. Although he didn’t receive the ending I hoped for, his performance was superb throughout.

The drama’s strengths include its melodious OSTs, beautiful cinematography, and production quality. Despite some plot holes in the ending, it was satisfying to see Joo Won’s character living a good life with a hopeful romance to follow.

Perhaps the show’s rating would be higher if it had ended on a sadder note, but I personally appreciated the happy ending.

A Wasted Journey Down the Rabbit Hole

Directed by Baek Soo Chan (A Girl Who Sees Smells, Reunited Worlds) and written by Kim Kyu-Won, Alice had all the makings of an avant-garde masterpiece with its intriguing concept and stellar cast, including Joo Won (Bridal Mask, Good Doctor), Kim Hee-seon (Room No. 9, Angry Mom), and Choi Won-young (Sky Castle, I Remember You). So, what went wrong?

Despite a promising start, the show faltered due to inconsistent plot development, poor characterizations, and a lack of dramatic tension. Initially, Alice intrigued viewers with its premise: an apathetic detective (Joo Won) haunted by his mother’s death, who encounters her doppelgänger and unravels a web of time travel involving future travelers and mysterious deaths. However, from the outset, the show’s cinematography failed to enhance the time travel concept, limiting its visual impact.

The inconsistencies became apparent early on, especially regarding the rules of time travel and the extent of Gyeom’s powers. While Joo Won delivered a commendable performance as Detective Park Jin Gyeom, the script’s handling of his character was problematic. His emotional outbursts and questionable decision-making, such as his confusion over a DNA test, lacked clear explanations. The character’s development and the resolution of his powers remained muddled, particularly in the confusing ending.

Kim Hee-seon was well-cast in her dual role, portraying both a mother and a young scientist convincingly. However, the show struggled with plot holes concerning her characters, including the unexplained significance of the Book of Prophecy and inconsistencies in her emotional and intellectual portrayal. The awkward romantic tension between Gyeom and Doctor Yoon, who resembles his mother, further detracted from the show’s focus and felt unsettling.

The introduction of Lee Da-In as Kim Do-Yeon aimed to add a romantic subplot but ultimately felt unnecessary, with no significant character development or impact on the story. On a positive note, Kwak Si-yang’s portrayal of Yoo Min-Hyuk, a time traveler, brought some emotional depth and complexity to the show. Yet, his character’s development and relationship with Gyeom were poorly executed, leading to a disappointing resolution.

Overall, Alice had potential but squandered it due to its inconsistent plot, lack of character development, and a rushed ending. Despite its intriguing premise and strong cast, the show failed to deliver a coherent and engaging narrative.

Alice – A Time-Traveling Mess

Alice had the potential to be a groundbreaking drama, with a stellar cast featuring Joo Won, Kim Hee-seon, and Choi Won-young, and a premise inspired by the intricate storytelling of Dark. However, it falls short due to a bewildering plot and questionable character development.

Plot and Execution

The show attempts a complex narrative involving time travel, parallel universes, and doppelgängers. However, it stumbles in execution. The premise of the male lead, Park Jin-Gyeom, a cop whose mother was murdered and who later encounters a woman who looks exactly like her, is initially intriguing. Yet, it quickly devolves into a troubling and inexplicable romcom. The show awkwardly tries to blend a deep emotional moment with a cohabitation plot that feels gross and uncomfortable, turning what should have been a powerful emotional journey into a series of cringe-worthy scenarios.

Character Development

The characters are either one-dimensional or poorly developed. The female characters are largely defined by their relationships with the male lead: his mother, her doppelgänger, his best friend, and a time-traveling agent. This lack of depth and the reduction of female characters to mere plot devices is problematic.

Themes and Metaphors

The show’s exploration of time travel, parallel universes, and the concept of Alice as an organization with unclear motives adds layers of confusion. The attempt to frame time travel as a metaphor for pregnancy and the ensuing anti-abortion undertones are not only offensive but also make little sense within the context of the show.


Ultimately, Alice struggles with its ambitious themes and fails to deliver a coherent or satisfying narrative. Its attempt at blending romance with time travel and its mishandling of sensitive themes result in a disjointed and unsatisfying experience. For those interested in time travel dramas, Dark remains the superior choice.

Alice – A Time Travel Disappointment

Alice had the potential to be a compelling time travel drama, especially with its intriguing premise and talented cast, including Kim Hee-seon and Joo Won. Unfortunately, the show falls short with its uninspired execution and plot.

Future World Potential

The future world in Alice could have been captivating, exploring the power dynamics and struggles of people who use time travel as an escape or a means to alter their pasts. Instead, we get a mundane conflict against a villainous corporation with flashy gadgets and little substance. Unlike Train to Busan, where different universes had significantly divergent lives and choices, Alice offers only one universe and one antagonist, Alice, which limits the scope and depth of the narrative.

Limited Universe Exploration

The show’s depiction of time travel is underwhelming. The potential for exploring multiple universes and the impact of each decision is wasted. Instead, everything revolves around a single universe, with minimal exploration of alternative realities. This makes the concept of time travel feel trivial, as the characters and their experiences seem to follow the same predictable patterns with only minor deviations.

Alice’s Role and World-Building

Alice is portrayed as a greedy corporation exploiting time travel for power and profit. However, their operations are confined to a single universe, which raises questions about their broader impact. If such a project existed, one would expect time travel to be regulated to prevent destabilizing the world. The lack of exploration into different universes or the consequences of time travel undermines the show’s potential.

Romantic Clichés and Narrative Choices

The show’s shift towards romantic clichés, particularly the unsettling relationship dynamics between the male lead and his mother, detracts from its original concept. The romance feels forced and inappropriate, overshadowing the potential for a gripping time travel or revenge drama. By episode 11, the series had lost its appeal, with the writers opting for contrived twists rather than a coherent plot.


While the cast delivers strong performances, the lackluster plot and poorly executed time travel elements result in a disappointing experience. The show fails to build on its intriguing premise and instead devolves into a series of disappointing clichés. For a better time travel drama, consider watching Circle or Woman of Dignity, especially if you’re a fan of Kim Hee-seon.

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